Cow Heads and Coronavirus, Edward Jenner


SPECIAL REPORT: Cow Heads and Coronavirus 

Cow Heads and Coronavirus

Around 1768, English physician John Fewster observed that people who had been infected with Cowpox didn’t get Smallpox. It was a Dorset farmer, Benjamin Jesty, who actually vaccinated his family with cowpox during a smallpox epidemic in 1774. They did not get smallpox. Jaques Antoine Rabaut-Pommier of France also is said to have observed the connection. Dr. Edward Jenner developed the hypothesis for vaccination and performed the first clinical trial, vaccinating 8 year old James Phipps on May 14, 1796. Jenner subsequently exposed the boy to smallpox on two occasions and he remained healthy. The terms vaccine and vaccination are derived from the Latin Variole Vaccine (smallpox of the cow). To this day, the name of the process gives honor to the beast in which the connection was first observed. You might think, from truncated modern history, that the vaccine was a great success and Jenner was immediately lauded. Not so. The media and the medical establishment did not rush to embrace Jenner’s work. A newspaper cartoon by James Gilray, published in 1802, shows vaccinated people sprouting cow heads from their bodies. It took until 1840 for the Royal Society to fully accept vaccination. The scourge of sycophant ‘fact checkers’ is nothing new.

James Gilray's 1802 cartoon on the 'dangers' of vaccination.

Note: The presentation of information in this article is for the purpose of illustration only. It is not to be construed as medical advice, as we are not doctors. It should not be used to diagnose or treat people. Please consult your medical provider before beginning any actual regimen of treatment.

Jenner, right before his death, remarked: “I am not surprised that men are not grateful to me; but I wonder that they are not grateful to God for the good which He has made me the instrument of conveying to my fellow creatures.”

Which brings me to COVID-19. Dr. Pierre Kory is one of a group of physicians who have studied the virus and the possibility of simple solutions using already proven medicines to slow or halt the spread of the China Virus. Here is a link to his recent testimony before a Senate Subcommittee, in which he references the use of a well-known drug used to treat parasites, which has shown great promise, particularly in Paraguay, where a country-wide campaign, ostensibly to ‘eliminate parasites’ dramatically reduced the number of COVID-19 cases as well as in the Mexican State of Chiapas. The supreme irony in all of this is that the drug is one that is also widely used to treat parasites in livestock!

Dr. Pierre Kory Testimony [click to watch]




