The Story of the Bethlehem Star

Volume XVII, Issue XXIIIb

The Story of the Bethlehem Star
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Someone once observed, “The universe is composed of stories, not atoms.” The Star of Bethlehem is certainly a story (as is most of the Bible, first and foremost). It is a mystery and a puzzle, involving not only theology and astronomy, but also history and even astrology. It is an attempt of men to understand not the universe at large, but specific events, or “What I Saw.” What do we know about the Star of Bethlehem? The popular conception is summarized in the Christmas carol: (read more)

Special Combined Christmas Issues
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Volume XVII, Issue XXII, XXIII, XXIV: Crozet's Railroad

This TRIPLE ISSUE gives you several weeks’ reading as I step back from weekly publication to devote myself to several important projects. I hope you enjoy it. (read more)

Steeples of Staunton,The Place of Faith in Society
Christmas, Claudius Crozet's Blue Ridge Tunnels
Glimpses into a World Unseen
A Christmas Treasury

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