Tony Bennett, Restoration and Basketball

Volume XVI, Issue XIVe

Tony Bennett’s Teaching Moment

This was written after UVA's win at the time just after Charlottesville's difficult days when a young woman and a number of law enforcement officers were killed. Bennett is deep, he is a true gentleman and he cares about the community he serves.

The question seemed at first like one of those uncomfortable ones by a sports writer attempting to interject ‘greater significance’ into his reporting. “What does your victory mean to Charlottesville in light of all the recent news surrounding her?” UVA Coach Tony Bennett’s answer was a good one though. He said that the victory did indeed mean a lot to Charlottesville in that the team truly was a great example of “Unity in Diversity.” The team’s unselfish play and acknowledgement of the less-celebrated defense (controlling turnovers was key to their victory) made for a great lesson.

We still have our issues.” Bennett continued. But the example of these young men working it out and working together is indeed right up there with the message of “Remember the Titans.” If you remember, that story is about how the T. C. Williams football team brought a community together in the turbulent days of court-ordered integration. The Titans came together and showed their town just what they could accomplish by working together.

In the post-game interview you saw true humility and Bennett acknowledged his Faith. They took their teaching moment seriously. They played a beautiful unselfish game and showed us something we can carry into our own lives.
