We are All Canadian Truckers Now


The truckers in Canada, having a reasonable complaint against forced 'vaccination' (it's not a vaccine, but a gene therapy) mandates, took to the streets of Ottawa to protest. The Trudeau regime was quick to cast them as 'dangerous insurrectionists' when, really, science is more and more on their side. Lockdowns and border closings are meaningless, as are 'vaccine' mandates, when it has been proven that the inoculation, in fact, does NOT stop the virus, and it is already on both sides of the affected border. What can be the reason for pushing it then, if not simply to control?

The Canadian truckers now find themselves in the same regrettable situation as United States citizens who rallied in Washington on January 6, 2021, to protest the very dubious 'results' of the 2020 election. They too have been labeled 'dangerous insurrectionists.' Add to that anyone who questions the efficacy of the so-called 'vaccine,' mask mandates, and dares to mention repurposed drugs and you see a very dangerous precedent being set. Yes, the Canadians and the United States citizens are pushing back. Here in the United States, it is our Constitutional right. It is, according to our Declaration, a HUMAN right.

And that puts us in brotherhood with people around the world such as the Uyghurs, a persecuted group in China, and many others, who's only "crime" is not to believe what the powers that be want them to. Our Amendment One is a beautifully crafted statement, crafted for times as these. May it guide us as we stand in solidarity with all who weather the storms of tyranny!