Monday, October 19, 2020

SPECIAL REPORT: Staring Into the Abyss

SPECIAL REPORT: Staring Into the Abyss

Staring into the Abyss
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By Father Ed Meeks

Read Transcript HERE [click to read]

I mentioned to you for the past two Sundays that I’m going to be speaking today on the November third election and want to give you a little heads-up as I begin. I will be going a little bit long this morning because I have a lot of ground to cover. This will be for me personally the 14th presidential election I will have voted in since reaching the age of majority. And this one is unlike anything I have ever seen. I actually said the same thing about the last election in 2016, but the events of the last four years and in fact of the past six or seven months have cast this upcoming election in a whole new and ever more dire light. I believe that at this moment in time and history you and I find ourselves as part of a society that is staring into the abyss. And it how our nation votes on November the third will determine whether we collectively step off the cliff into that abyss or step back from it, if only temporarily. (read more)
