Thursday, December 19, 2019

“Faith and Reason are Mutually Reinforcing”

Volume XVII, Issue XXIIIa

“Faith and Reason are Mutually Reinforcing”
[click to read]

Simply travelling around our city one sees fine buildings reflecting the Faith of those who built them. From Irish railroad workers to world leaders and educators, our community has nurtured Faith as an essential component of our culture. Here is an address by Justice Clarence Thomas at the dedication of Hillsdale College’s new chapel that underscores that very fact. (read more)

Special Combined Christmas Issues
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Volume XVII, Issue XXII, XXIII, XXIV: Crozet's Railroad

This TRIPLE ISSUE gives you several weeks’ reading as I step back from weekly publication to devote myself to several important projects. I hope you enjoy it. (read more)

Steeples of Staunton,The Place of Faith in Society
Christmas, Claudius Crozet's Blue Ridge Tunnels
Glimpses into a World Unseen
A Christmas Treasury

[click to read]
