Friday, July 3, 2020

Liberty Weekend, 1986, Governor's Island

Volume XVIII, Issue XXIIIc: Statue of Liberty Centennial III

Liberty Weekend, 1986

The year was 1986 and the Statue of Liberty was 100 years old! A massive restoration had just taken place and to celebrate her reopening the nation held a grand celebration. It was a grand celebration of a great country that had endured much, attempted much and had made itself into a beacon of freedom for so many people in the world. Most Millennials had not even been born yet. They never saw it. So as the news media, which had totally ignored the D-Day invasion anniversary (except for one story I found about a guy in France who was determined to lay wreaths on the graves in the Normandy Cemetery) droned on about virus and abolishing police forces, I became determined to return to that great presentation of American Ideas that has always been our Independence Day custom. There is much to celebrate about America. Go out into her countryside, her small towns, and see for yourself. There are so many stories of Faith, Heroism, Sacrifice and Human Kindness. Oppressed peoples around the world still seek to come here. America is not through yet. Take the time to learn why we love her. Join me in celebration as we celebrate her 244th birthday!

How to Stop the Leftist Narrative
[click to read]

How It’s Done: Professor Details Her Success in Stopping Her Dept’s ‘Woke Statement on Recent Social Unrest’

Though I share these concerns, my general sense on this is that the tide is slowly turning in the right’s favor on these matters as more Republican leaders like Rep. Jim Jordan (OH), Sen. Tom Cotton (AR), Sen. Tim Scott (SC), Gov. Kristi Noem (SD), and President Trump himself are drawing lines in the sand and telling rage mobs “no more” and “not on my watch.” But though it’s imperative that our elected leaders rise to the occasion and push back hard on cancel culturalists, so-called social justice warriors, and the woke mafia, it’s also incumbent upon the average American citizen to do their part. As clichĂ© as it may sound, change starts at home, in our backyards, and in our communities and educational institutions. Change starting in her community is exactly what one science professor on Twitter, who chooses to remain anonymous for understandable reasons, had in mind when she successfully lobbied to stop her department from issuing a “woke statement” on the ongoing civil unrest throughout the country. The professor detailed how she went about doing it in the Twitter thread below. The discerning reader will note that she did it largely by using the “woke” left’s own tactics against them, something to keep in mind for those who are struggling with how to effectively combat woke dogma in their own workplace or elsewhere: (read more)
