Friday, December 4, 2020

Media Can't Even Enjoy a Trump Christmas


SPECIAL REPORT: Media Can't Even Enjoy a Trump Christmas

As the Christmas Season began, I couldn't resist trying to find Mrs. Trump's Christmas Display at the White House. [click to visit] Finding a link, I quickly shared it with our readers. It was an AP photo piece and had beautiful shots of the wonderfully decorated "People's House." But I want you to notice the subtle difference below in what I'd posted and the AP story itself. Note the quotation marks in the AP story, which I did NOT feel obliged to copy. These are known in the trade as "scare quotes". Their purpose is to flag a word, expression, description, or slogan as being not entirely appropriate or accurate, in the opinion of the author. They are often used ironically or satirically. The inference might be that "majesty" is not a sentiment shared by the AP writer. In any case, it seems like we can rarely just enjoy the creation of beauty and the celebration of culture anymore, ESPECIALLY if it is Mrs. Trump! I found one photo of the First Lady among some of the trees on Mother Jones, a Liberal publication and they spent their ink doing a rather unkind fashion critique of Melania's COAT!

So, COME ON MEDIA, we've had it up to here with you Pandemic hysteria and your bias showing every time you write. We need beauty. We need celebration of our American Culture. We need you to be positive about positive things! Heaven knows I won't even watch Fox anymore. I have long abandoned outlets like CNN and MSNBC. You get a pretty depressing picture from them of a country that is anything but! I realize you all bought into the 1619 Project hook, line and sinker, but America did NOT begin in 1619. It began in 1776 and embodied the best aspirations of mankind. Our founding documents gave us principles bigger than ourselves. Our televisions are turned off, and we are going to celebrate the wonder of the season and express gratitude for our heritage.

