Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Senator Tim Scott on Finding Common Ground

Volume XX, Issue XXIII: Senator Tim Scott on Finding Common Ground

Senator Tim Scott on Finding Common Ground

Thank You Tim Scott

Tim Scott’s address to the nation had barely ended and the knives were out. Essentially the Left said “How DARE he NOT call the USA a ‘racist nation.’” Let’s be clear, however. Scott described his own experiences, bad and good. He experienced traffic stops and being followed around in stores. Yes, he was not blind to the things in our society that need healing at all. But he went on to describe how his father sought to set an example for him and how his boss, a Chick Fil A owner, reached out to him and helped him to succeed. He was honest in both his observations and the opinions he drew from them. You are free to disagree with his opinions of course, but “you are not entitled to your own facts.”

One of my closest friends is a young man who escaped the genocide in Rwanda. He and his wife came to this country – she was a citizen, he as a refugee. He has a very different opinion of America than most of Scott’s detractors. Today he is a Pastor, ministering to newly arrived refugees. He is actually more than a friend – we are family. That can happen in the nation Tim Scott describes, but not the one the Left wants to continually castigate. Sadly, it was just such dividing people that destroyed beautiful nations like Rwanda. My opinion is that we don’t want that here. Those who have escaped real Hell on earth to come here are in agreement.

Intercessor for America wrote this note of thanks to Senator Scott and you may join me in signing it Here [click to sign]:

Thank you so much for the hopeful and truthful message you shared in your State of the Union response. I was so encouraged to hear you share the value of prayer to you both personally and in our nation. I stand with you in the points you made about our nation and the direction we need to take. I am one of hundreds of thousands praying for elected officials with Intercessors for America. Know you are being regularly prayed for, and we appreciate the biblical values you highlighted in your message!

Loving Your Neighbor, Refusing to Lie
[click to read]

By Maria Baer

When John McCain was running for President in 2008, Saturday Night Live ran a recurring skit about his running-mate, then-Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. Tina Fey, playing Gov. Palin in her trademark red suit, delivered the memorable line, “I can see Russia from my house!” It was pretty funny. It also wasn’t real. Sarah Palin never said she could see Russia from her house. Today, however, a surprising number of people believe she did. This is a testimony to the power of lies. A few weeks ago, Georgia state legislators passed a bill that added additional days for early voting, limited the number of ballot boxes that had (for the first time) been set up across the state during the pandemic, and changed the requirements for voting by mail. Rather than rely on matching signatures by eye, mail-in ballots will now be verified using a voter’s ID. The partisan backlash over the bill, even though it expanded voting access in many ways, wasn’t surprising. The lies about the bill, how quickly they were spread, by whom, and the corporate reactions to them are worth noting. President Biden likened the bill to laws that oppressed African Americans, calling it “Jim Crow on steroids.” Major League Baseball announced it was moving the 2021 All Star Game out of Atlanta in protest, and even Stacey Abrams caught heat for not calling for economic boycotts of Home Depot and Delta Airlines. (read more)
