Tuesday, September 7, 2021

“O Lord, Do It Again! Do It Again!” Buckingham

Worshipful Architecture in Dillwyn, Virginia
Rendering of the not yet completed seminary cloister from their website, Commonwealth Architects.

Saint Thomas Aquinas Seminary
Photos by Bob Kirchman



Rural Buckingham County is primarily a land of forests. After driving through acres of woodland, one might happen upon a bit of Romanesque architecture rising above a lake. In this land of white frame churches, it seems transported from someplace like Cluny in France; a tribute to the study of beauty and truth and the home to a group of young seminarians studying for the priesthood in the Society of Saint Pius X.


The Buckingham Branch Railroad
Photos by Bob Kirchman



Locomotive and cars seen in the Dillwyn, Virginia yard of the Buckingham Branch Railroad.

“Do it Again Lord”

Franklin Graham leads a Prayer March from the Lincoln Memorial to U.S. Capitol.

After a Great Move of Prayer [click to visit] on our National Mall led by Franklin Graham, I took a bit of a respite from social media and played with my grandchildren. It was a great time to refresh myself. “What if ‘The News’ isn’t really the news?” I don’t know how much coverage the mainstream media gave to prayer on the Mall but I really don’t care. Here’s the real news! Rev Dr. Gordon Moyes tells a timeless story – one that reaches back into history and into our day: “Dr J. Edwin Orr, the greatest authority ever on renewal in the church was a lecturer at Wheaton College. He took some students in 1940 for a brief visit to England including the Epworth Rectory. Beside the bed were two worn impressions on the carpet where it was said John Wesley knelt hours in prayer for England’s social and spiritual renewal. As the students were getting on the bus, he noticed one was missing. Going back upstairs he found one student kneeling in the carpet knee holes praying with his face on the bed: “O Lord, do it again! Do it again!” Orr placed a hand on the student’s shoulder and said gently, “Come on Billy, we must be going.” And rising, Billy Graham rejoined the bus.” By the 1950’s the young evangelist was bringing revival to the United States. His children and grandchildren now carry the torch. What was the secret to their great effectiveness? I have to believe it was seen on that day in 1940! “O Lord, do it again! Do it again!” 
