Monday, March 14, 2022


Grace Christian School's Production of Cinderella

“Impossible” and Why We Need It

And because these daft and dewey-eyed dopes are building up impossible hopes, IMPOSSIBLE things are happening every day!” – Godmother

I think of our world today and how we need a little of the “Impossible.” I’m glad for the dewey-eyed dreamers who live among us, and more importantly, I’m grateful that our God is a God of the Impossible. Whether moving mountains or parting seas, our God makes the impossible a reality. And the most “impossible” thing of all? That He loved the world so much that he sent His only Son to redeem it. ‘For nothing will be impossible with God’ – Luke 1:37” – Becky Boyette, Director, Grace Christian School production of Cinderella

Our times are hard. The world is hard. Things don’t make sense. This morning as I read my daily reading from the book of Ruth, I realized that Naomi faced “Impossible” in her time. Her life was so bleak she wanted to be called “Mara,” for her life was bitter. But in the next act, in her real life, God showed up. First through the faithfulness of Ruth, she was not alone. Then through Boaz, the kinsman-redeemer, the “Impossible” really did come true in her very real life. So, we should be encouraged, to stay for the next act with prayer and expectancy! God’s Promises are more real than the ‘reality’ we see. We may have to wait far longer than we expect – even into our life in the hereafter, but we shall see it. God has promised no less!

In 1852, Frederic Edwin Church painted Virginia's Natural Bridge

My Writing on Historical Architecture
[click to read]

One of Virginia’s most amazing architectural treasures wasn't formed by the hand of man at all. (read more)

THYME Commentary Has a New Home
[click to read]

Here are links to articles and publications we're reading. (read more)
