Friday, November 5, 2021


Repudiating the Politics of Division

Repudiating the Politics of Division

Virginia’s gubernatorial election was a repudiation of bad policy, it was not about the extreme right “taking over” the state or “anti-science” zealots. In fact, Glenn Youngkin is clearly in tune with most voters, though the mainstream media and the Democrat spin machine would never tell you that. The fact that the Republican candidates won in a state that was thought to be forever turned blue contains a lesson for all of us.

Virginian’s elected a Jamaican immigrant to Lieutenant Governor and a Cuban to Attorney General – hardly a show of white supremacy! What brought out the voters? “It’s the policies people!” The Democrats (notably Terry McAuliff) claimed to have ‘science’ on their side. But science is actually a process of learning and discovery – something that is totally lost in the sweeping implementation of mask and vaccine mandates. The same party won’t even hear the thoughts of physicians like Robert Malone and Pierre Kory, who would have us consider the use of old medicines against the virus. Science is supposed to be about examining all evidence, not suppressing diverse points of view.

Then too, the people that say they follow ‘science’ are telling us that there are maybe 30+ genders. They say they want to create a ‘safe’ environment for all in the schools, but the truth is that in Loudoun County a “trans” boy assaulted a female student in the women’s room. The school system simply transferred him to another school – where he did it again! Students who are uncomfortable with the open bathroom policy “are free to use the private bathroom” according to a cleverly worded policy statement from Augusta County school officials. On first reading, it seems like the policy directs trans students to use the private bathroom, but it actually says the exact opposite! Why would you want to deceive legitimately concerned parents? I'll wait.

Add to that the havoc that has been wrought to women’s athletics, where “trans” athletes take the trophies, and there is legitimate cause for parental concern. But McAuliff, in a moment of honesty, said he didn’t want parents involved in matters of education. That coming on top of the Justice Department’s identification of activist parents as “terrorists” is just one more example of name-calling in the face of legitimate expression of concerns. Parents have legitimate concerns about Critical Race Theory and Sexual Education. Traditionally education has supported the mission of families raising their children. Why should schools now want to wall families out? When children come home talking about lessons that go against their families' values, are the parents 'extreme' for wanting to ask questions?

People have seen the policies pushed down on them from the administrations in Washington and Richmond. They don’t like them. Thus the election must be seen as nothing less than a repudiation of those policies and their makers. Even with the media spin, a lot more people who probably voted Democrat all their lives are seeing that “the party has left them.” Other than Joe Manchin where can you find a Democrat who talks about fiscal responsibility? The younger crop of Democrat candidates tend to all be socialists. The fact that the party resorts to older candidates like Biden and McAuliff says volumes about the direction the party is taking today.

Hopefully the election in Virginia will spur an honest discussion of where people’s hearts truly are as far as policy is concerned. We owe it to ourselves.

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